A few days at the start of the first Pro stage in Sestri Levante


There are only 5 days at the start of the 3rd Trofeo Città di Sestri Levante, the first PRO of the SuperEnduro 2011circuit, a very spectacular race that can’t be missed, the first real test of the season with many partners and team that will show up, especially because of the attention on the event of national and foreign press. One thing is for sure, even here in Sestri bikers will not be missing, with 200 pre-registered by Monday evening the promises are about a hot weekend with tight battles already from Saturday at 18:30 when the prologue will start in the center of the town and then on Sunday along the special “Ca Gianca, Super Mimosa, Loto e Super St. Anna”.


All to the delight of the organizers and the public that at the end of the competition on the stage set up at the Lungomare delle Rimembranze will have the chance to attend a double ceremony.
In addition to the Sestri Levante stage awards, the final 2010 circuit award will take place with the prize giving and all the players back in the spotlight!
The first PRO of year will provide many answers also about technical issues: the main theme of this season was the transmission. 1×10 against 2×10, two philosophies that require different training and different bike configurations. The first choice is of most top riders and some amateur with a lot of breath, the second is used by most of Superenduro riders. Sestri Levante, the first hard and selective run of the season, will also answer to this interesting technical question. At the end of the race we will know more about this!
